Every baby is cute, but my baby is super cute, hain na?

Cute Baby Pics

Every mom out there, thinks that her baby is the cutest in the world! So, why would i be any different. Many young couples, own a DSL camera and have been bitten by the photography bug sometime or the other.

Though i am a bad photographer, the camera loves my baby – maybe even as much as me! Ha!

One of my neighbors too just had a baby, however the father of the baby genuinely thought that my baby looks cuter than his! Don’t worry i never told his wife that! 😛

Not only him, but many others also have constantly being telling me that i should have Baby Chikoo professionally photographed and try to approach agencies for baby modelling work.

Though i have been sorely tempted to see my little one on screen, only one thought always prevented me from actively applying to these agencies. That after all wouldn’t I be sending my baby to work? I know its was wishful thinking, and it wasn’t as if i already had offers in hand! LOL!!!

This photo was clicked at home against a white bedsheet, as I had heard that agencies like these kinds of shots.

Here Baby C just had his first sip of water! Yes, the glass is silver.

Another beautiful shot in my honest opinion! Not biased at all!  ðŸ˜›

Awwwww chooo chweeeetttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeh camera kaha se aaya be?!!!???!!

Baby C and Hubby 3M teasing each other!
